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Using EasyCarve

Endmills for roughing, ballnose endmills or tapered ball nose end mills for finishing, and endmills for the cutout.

As part of your subscription, you have access to all of the 3D content from within the EasyCarve app. You can download and save your toolpaths but not the 3D model itself.

Our trial is not time or functionality limited and will last indefinitely. We may take the decision to remove your data after a sustained period of inactivity but we will contact you before we do this.

You can download your toolpaths but not the projects themselves.

The models and projects can only be used in your EasyCarve web application.

Unfortunately, not from the EasyCarve application, but since it does use the Design & Make library of models, you can purchase them directly from

You are limited to the 3D content supplied by Design & Make. We are adding new models all the time. Feel free to email them directly if you would like to request a model to be added to the Design & Make library.

You cannot use content you have purchased from the Design & Make store. The Design & Make store will continue to offer high quality, CNC ready 3D models and model projects for purchase, with new content being added monthly. Any 3D content you have previously purchased will remain available to download from your Design & Make account.

Yes, you will be eligible for all of our updates while your subscription is active.

Yes, and we encourage it! You can't sell or share the toolpaths you create and download, but raw cut or finished products can be sold or given away.

EasyCarve Subscription

Yes, whilst fair-usage policies apply, you are free to use your subscription on as many of your own personal devices as you own.

At this time there is not. We do suggest you try to keep them as organized as you can so you can easily find what you need.

You may cancel your subscription after the initial 12-month term. Your subscription will remain active until the end of the purchased month and will then be deactivated.

We currently do not have that option.

Your projects will remain on EasyCarve for up to 12 months after your subscription has lapsed. You can unlock them by resubscribing to EasyCarve.

Terms of service can be found here.

EasyCarve Compatibility

Up-to-date versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.

Most CNCs are supported as EasyCarve shares the same CNC compatibility as other Vectric products. However you can check for your specific machine using our handy tool here.

EasyCarve's tool database is currently not compatible with a VCarve or Aspire tool database and so unfortunately you cannot share your tool databases.

Yes! Just make sure you use a supported browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari).

Provided your device has one of the supported browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari), EasyCarve will run. However EasyCarve has not been optimized for mobile devices or small screens so some features will be limited.

At this time we only support Vectric stock/verified post-processors.

Community and Support

Support can be found in the form of the help menu, user forum, or by emailing

Easy... follow EasyCarve on Instagram, Facebook or join the EasyCarve discussion on the Vectric User Forum. Feel free to share what you make and tag @EasyCarve so we can see what you are making and we can share it with fellow users!

You sure can, and we want you to. Create a post in the EasyCarve section of the Vectric User forum or email with your idea. You never know it might be in a future update!

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B49 6HN

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